Want to find financial freedom after divorce?

Learn how to take your power back, confidently move forward and step into your own wealth.

Stronger, Happier You

Debra Melvin, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. Educating and supporting women as they take control of their financial future.

Have guidance and a trusted resource to ensure you make the right decisions for your financial future.

Know it is possible for your financial journey through divorce to be as painless as possible.

Relax and feel at ease knowing you are getting on track for a healthy financial life.

Feel empowered as you step into your new identity as a financially independent woman.

Financially Free 1:1 Support

Divorce Financial Planning Program


Finding Your Worth & Wealth Workbook

Understand how to navigate your emotions and thoughts as you reclaim your future while going through a divorce.It’s time to turn financial uncertainty into financial independence!